Welcome to Orange County Hiking Club!

Orange County Hiking Group! – A Social Hiking & Backpacking Club

The #1 club for hiking OC! Come join us for walking, hiking, backpacking and peakbagging in Orange County and beyond. Orange County Hiking Club is a donor supported group, and relies on the generous contributions of our members, community supporters and amazing volunteers. As a charitable 501(c)3 non-profit, we rely on your donations to support our programs.

  • Friendly & Fun
  • We welcome all ages (under 18 with parent)
  • Walkers, hikers, backpackers and peakbaggers of all ability levels are welcome


When you walk with someone you make a friend for life. We are a social hiking club dedicated to reconnecting our community to nature. Come enjoy the outdoors with hikers and walkers from all professions and walks of life. Note: This is a social hiking club, but not a dating club!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Staying safe on the trail


Hiking with someone on the trail is not just more fun, but it's safer.
"It's always a good idea to go with someone else to maximize safety and fun on the trail," said John Santy of Huntington Beach and an OC Hiking Club hike organizer and a retired LAPD officer. "You can greatly reduce the chances of an incident if you are prepared and aware."
In the last few weeks, there have been a couple of local incidents both involving individuals who were walking alone and were attacked.
With a population of about 3.1 million in Orange County, there are bound to be a few weirdoes' that find their way into seemingly safe areas and trails, both dirt and paved. The question is how can you protect yourself?
Predators generally rely on surprise, intimidation and fear, and not so much in intelligence. So, generally intelligence with preparation can be your weapon. (See the attached Common 'trail' sense tips).
People are more likely to become victims when they're unaware of their surroundings and unprepared for the unexpected. Being alert and aware of the surroundings is an inherent part of being outdoors. Using your head in any wilderness or urban environment is key to coming home safely.
If attacked: Fight back. Stomp on the instep of the attacker's foot and then kick a shin with your hiking boots;, blow a whistle; spray the attacker in the face generously with bear pepper spray (keep it easily accessible); shout and yell at the top of your lungs for help; when you break loose from the attacker, run and call 911. If you can't outrun the attacker, stay close and fight dirty.
Be prepared to give a description of the attacker to the police. The best way to deter an attack is to be prepared; consider taking a personal defense class, follow the common "trail" sense personal safety guidelines and rehearse your self-protection skills.
If burglarized: General wisdom says cooperate, remain calm and give them what they ask for. If you can safely grab the pepper spray, give them a good dose of it in the face. However, not unlike a dangerous game of rock-paper-scissors, a gun wins over pepper spray, hence if the attacker is armed act appropriately to the situation.
A note on bear pepper spray: Pepper spray isn't just for the girls. Guys carry it too, but beware, not all pepper sprays are equal. Look for the bear pepper spray, known as "US EPA registered bear deterrent."
It's stronger than ordinary pepper spray and is particularly useful on trail weirdoes as well as aggressive wild animals. I carry the 8-ounce UDAP brand. Keep the spray where it is easily accessible and practice pulling it out in a hurry.
A note of caution here – you don't want to spray yourself or be downwind from the spray. Although the spray is not permanently damaging, it will temporarily blind an attacker and might send him to the hospital to have his eyes painfully flushed. Follow the directions for one test spray in the face of an invisible opponent and be careful, this concoction is strong.
Santy coaches hikers to, "be aware of your situation, make sure you have a friend or two with you, and think about what you're doing before you go."
With this in mind, I'd like to see future headlines read: "Would-be attacker thwarted by hiker."

Suki Reed is president of the nonprofit OC Hiking Club with more than 10,000 members. If you want to explore the outdoors with fellow hikers, you can join at oc-hiking.com

1) Don't hike, jog, bike, ride or walk alone.
2) Be alert and aware of your surroundings.
3) Carry a charged cell phone.
4) Carry pepper spray (bear pepper spray, two-plus ounce size or larger).
5) If you have a dog, or dogs, take them with you.
6) Be watchful as others approach on the trail
7) Carry a whistle.
8) Take a different trail, if the one you're on feels strange.
9) Plan how you would react if attacked or burglarized.
10) Tell someone where you're going and when you'll be back.
11) Stay with your group.

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